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Christening (also called Baptism) is a unique, special celebration, thanking God for the gift of life and publicly acknowledging God’s love. In baptism we acknowledge that we all need to turn from the darkness of evil and make a new start with God.

For your child, baptism marks the start of a journey of faith, and becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family.


You may be one of many adults who were not baptised an a baby: many come to faith later in life and if that is you we’d be delighted to hear from you.  It involves declaring faith in Jesus Christ for yourself and asking to receive and be strengthened by God’s grace and love.


At St Oswald's, Christenings take place during our Worship for Everyone service at 10.30am on the second Sunday of each month.


In 2023, the fee for a baptism is £18.00.


Maybe you and/or the friends you would like as Godparents haven’t been christened themselves or don’t feel ready to make the sort of promises that baptism involves. We’d still like to suggest you come for a Service of Thanksgiving where friends can promise to be your supporters in bringing up your child. Do get in touch if that seems right for you.

Religious Objects

Congratulations on your engagement!

We're really excited that you're considering getting married at St Oswald's!

We will help you plan your wedding service and explore what the promises you

will make mean for your future married life together.


For all enquiries regarding weddings, please contact our vicar.


If you'd like to begin planning a marriage service, click here


Angel statue

Funerals can be arranged through your funeral director.

We hold funerals in St Oswald's Church, and at local crematoria and cemeteries.

Christenings, Weddings, Funerals: Service
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